31 enero 2010
30 enero 2010
Yeah Yeah Yeahs' concert or Goodbye, Redheaded Chick
Thought the night was going to be drama free. In spite of arriving almost an hour later, she didn't storm out... Rushed to the 'Palacio de los Rebotes', crowded to the top by these new urban tribe called 'hipster', you know... black-rimmed glasses, messy hair, black tights, sneakers and preppiness all over the place. Have to say I didn't give fuck about my look, what I wanted was to get rid of my shoes, dressing pants and shirt from work.
About her, well... she looked astonishing, more beautiful than ever. That somewhat pushed me afar from her. Imagine, The Lady and The Tramp 2010.
Then, awkwardness stroke again...
After having a little previous-to-show chat, she mentioned something that caught my attention.
I'm not well known for being kind of intuitive, but something about what she said was wrong... Didn't you tell me you wanted to wait a little while so you could get over your ex?
And a year ago, when we supposed to be dating you were seeing someone else?
Busted! When you say lies, you get all tangled up in the webbing of your own making...
That's awkward y'all...
I didn't want to tell her anything... but she noticed I realized she had screwed it up.
She didn't say a word either...
Then, the perfect scenario for a teary, highly disappointed Lowly Boy, 'Runaway'
Betrayal and disappointment came right above my head as it was thick, black, thundery cloud ready to rain all over my joy. Tried to put all those feelings away successfully... I just couldn't let some words let me down that night, because that night was the night.
In spite of horrorizing with such heartbreaking words, the show must go on!
I don't know...I could have done anything for her, and that's the bullshit I get?
That's night, as Ms. Karen O thanked all her staff and you could hear 'Yeah Yeah Yeahs special love song'... That's when this tune got special dimensions... I was ready to cry my heart out...
Pack up
I'm a stray
Oh say say say you'll
Say say say you'll
Say say say you'll
Say say say you'll
Say say say...
They don't love you like I love you
Wait.They don't love you like I love you
They don't love you like I love you ♥ ...
When the curtains closed was when I realized that she is not the right one for me and maybe I'm not the right one for her...
I love her to death but she doesn't love...
It's gonna be hell to get rid of what I feel about her...
On Thursday I cried and I've felt a bit depressed lately, you know... want to sleep all day, chills at midday, the 'what would have happened if...' theories...
I'm not OK... I just now know that I don't want to fall in love, never again...
Goodbye Redheaded Girl...
Music + Video
28 enero 2010
Yeah Yeah Yeahs Concert
Fucking thrilled when Karen, Nick and Brian showed up on stage and we could start to hear the little yet overwhelming notes from 'Runaway' previously posted on my blog. Gotta admmit I got chills up and down my spine. This is undoubtedly one my my top-three YYY's songs.
I can't even put into words how amazing this concert was...
Take a look at these photos by Toni François who captured all through the night magia.
I can't even put into words how amazing this concert was...
Take a look at these photos by Toni François who captured all through the night magia.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs' previous events
I cannot even punt into words how I feel after having witnessed one of the best and most-talked about concerts in Mexico in 2010.
I first listened to their album Fever to tell almost six years ago and from that time on I clang to their music. Quite talented Brian, Nick and Karen, whom in their early youth were considered a bunch of nerdy losers. One of my favorite songs from Fever to tell (2003)? 'Date with the night'.
Karen O's groans and moans included.
I can tell this is one of the greatest - and maybe one of the fewer- concerts I've ever been in.
I sang my lungs out in spite of suffering from this annoying sore throat thing.
The day before, as I have tons of stuff to do I went to bed -literally speaking- at 4 am and got up at 6h30 am, just two-fucking-hour sleep. Well, I might say nap...
Zombie-like I wandered through the aisles of my beloved Institute and I successfully pulled all the stuff off, considering that I just had the chance to close my eyes for 120 minutes that morning. Got my rather informal attire to hit it off to the concert and then flew to Mexico City in order to meet Readheaded Chick and of course, my date that night with The Yeah Yeah Yeahs...
26 enero 2010
O, Karen

Fotos from We ♥ it
I'm going to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' concierto in México tomorrow!
I swear I'll cum when Karen O steps on stage!
Well... maybe not... The redheaded chick's going with me...
I swear I'll cum when Karen O steps on stage!
Well... maybe not... The redheaded chick's going with me...
25 enero 2010
How many times can you fall in love in a single day?
As far as I'm concerned, approximately 13...
Qs + As
22 enero 2010
The Ice Dance

Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton 1990.
Screencaps here.
This is one of my favorite films ever. A giantic part of my childhood memories...
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